Page name: Group 5.0 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-02 03:34:11
Last author: Ravendust
Owner: Ravendust
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Group 2.0 and Group 4.0 combined.
group 5.0,part1


After everyone was asleep, the storm slowly moved away from the area. Luckily, they weren't attacked or disturbed through the stormy night and no one would wake up until morning. But now that it was about nine'o clock, the group started to stir.

Divya groaned and tried to open her eyes. In her groggy state, she failed to realize right away that she was cuddled up to Solomon all night. Stretching back as she yawned, Divya felt the weight over her shoulder. "Hm?" she lazily looked at her right to see someones hand over her shoulder. Her eyes jolted open and she turned her head like a bullet and looked at her other side only to see a groggy Solomon awaking as well. Divya was frozen for a moment, completely appalled and disgusted.

Solomon woke with the absence of whatever was keeping his shoulder warm. He glanced over sleepily, saw Divya curled up next to him, and immediately retracted his hand, scooching away from her quickly. "Um," He muttered. "S'cuse me."

"GLADLY." Divya coughed, scooting away quickly. She wanted nothing else but for them both to drop what happened last night. As she woke up a bit more, she started to recall exactly how much she broken down and opened herself up to him. Not to mention, the strange dream she had last night. But thank goodness it was only a dream. Divya got to her feet and brushed herself off. Her eyes caught sight of the splattered brains all over the wall and jolted her eyes back to Solomon. "So you're feeling better? I mean-" Divya was being too nice...what was THAT all about, "What I save your ass and don't even get a 'thank you?!' You arrogant prick!" Yea, that's better.   

Solomon grinned. "And a very good morning to you too," He replied easily, getting to his feet. He pushed his hand against the freshly healed scars on his chest thoughtfully. He wasn't sure how he was completely well again--he couldn't have been out THAT long. He glanced over and picked up the cross from the ground, which still had a lump of something on it. "Thanks, toots--I owe you one."

Opening her mouth to yell something at him, she stopped when she heard him thank her. Divya closed her mouth and paused for a moment, not exactly sure how to reply to that. Instead, she looked at the fleshly clump in his hand. "Oh- please tell me you aren't thinking about wearing that." she cringed.

Solomon tugged at the mass, which felt more like polished stone than meat. "I dunno," He replied thoughtfully. "What do you do with something that almost killed you?"

"Don't wear it. If it gets lodged again, it's going to rip through all of that scar tissue." Divya argued, "Just keep it in your pocket til we get out of this place." She looked around, "Where'd the German go?"

Solomon snickered. "What are the odds of that happening twice?" He looped the necklace around his neck and buttoned up his shirt. "Really silly, since it's ruined completely anyway," he muttered quietly to himself, looking at his bloodied shirt with dismay. He scanned the cavern for any signs of Todd. "Maybe he went further in," He said. "Look--the cave keeps going."

"Well what the hell were the odds of it happening once?!" Divya rolled her eyes and grabbed her helmet from a few feet away. Men... She couldn't see much down the cave, "Did you see him leave last night?" Divya was so worked up that she didn't even notice when Todd left with the body.

"Yeah, he was taking Emireth's body to be buried," Solomon said, and decided against wearing the bloodied shirt. He took it off and crossed the cave to the waterfall, trying to rinse some of the crusty brown stains out.

She started to feel a little stupid about last night. Did Solomon even remember how she acted and what he did? How he comforted her like that... The two even shared a 'moment' together, discussing secretaries and his wife and child. They had chatted until they both fell asleep in one anther's arms. Just recalling it sent unpleasant shivers up her spine. Would he bring it up again? Divya removed some dirt from her helmet, thinking it over.

In the other room of the cave, Todd had fallen asleep leaning against the cave wall, surely he would regret that with having a sore neck. He yawned, still tired. It had been a while since he had fallen asleep at night.

Leilani groaned and stirred, she'd fallen asleep without realizing and regretted it almost immediately. Her limbs were stiff and sore, and her clothes were still damp. She ran her fingers through tangled hair and stood slowly, attempting to stretch and relieve her muscles.

Solomon scrubbed at the stains half-heartedly and walked to the middle of the cave away from the thundering water when he head a groan further into the cave. He frowned and set the soaked shirt aside, one hand on the hilt of his gun as he walked further through the cave into the other room.

"Guten Morgen," Todd muttered, regretting moving to stand, "Are you feeling better Solomon?" He asked carefully, popping his back into allignment and shifting around his belt.

"Substantially," Solomon replied. "I see you've found a friend," He said, looking at Leilani. She might've been very beautiful if she didn't have the expression of a wet rat on her face.

Divya followed and stared wide eyed at the other female in the corner, "What the shit?! What you bury one and bring another back with you?!"

Leilani wasn't entirely certain how to reply to Divya's comment, though forced a smile, "Name's Leilani. I don't suppose either of you knows where exactly we are?" Her tone was flat and unemotional, guarded.

"Yes Divya I have t'at skill, didn't you notice?" He answered sarcastically, "She found me in the storm." Todd made a rude sound and turned to look away, glaring at the side of the cave.

"We are in a cave during prehistoric times. Did you managed to not see the dinosaurs?" the futuristic cop placed her hands on her hips. "I'm Divya." she said plainly. "Let me are from a different time and place too?"

Solomon glanced at Divya as she introduced herself without her captain's title. He leaned against the cavern wall and waited for Leilani's reply.

"I saw no dinosaurs." Leilani shook her head, clearly confused, "Prehistoric?" She tested the word on her tongue, "In either case, I suppose I am from a different era. And thinking upon it... It makes some sense." She indicated each of their choices of dress. She felt dizzy, the thought of not even being in her own time was somewhat a relief, and yet a frightening aspect. She sat back down, her legs feeling like jelly beneath her- just what was going on?

"You're lucky, then," Solomon said, having only just recovered from a prehistoric beast attack. "Hopefully you'll never see any."

Group 6.0 (Groups 3 and 5 combined)

Group 2.0
Group 4.0
And so it began

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2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: Cant I rp that in later?

2009-10-24 [Pnelma Tirian]: if you really insist on it, lol. I just didn't want to give the impression that Chel and I are the main characters.

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: I was just going to add a large post in later... kind of taking a small break from this rp.

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: Is Tsome still in this?

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: dunno, she hasnt said anything otherwise

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: Hehehe... Doll. Wonder how Divya will respond to that

2009-10-24 [Pnelma Tirian]: go ahead and spawn some beasties to speed things up, Chel, if you'd like.

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: I could bring in todd to do some rescue?

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: In case anyone is wondering: <img200*0:>

2009-10-24 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry, I am... sorry lol I've been really busy with school and everything... plus with loosing one of my pets earlier this week its been hard.

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: TODD TO THE RESCUUUUUUUUE

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: You just.... destroyed a potentially cool scene in one post. :[

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: ...sorry? I can take it out if you want ;_;

2009-10-24 [XxTsomexX]: ... Emireth is off finding water...

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: The forest WAS a swamp.

2009-10-24 [XxTsomexX]: I meant fresh water >< uuuuuugh

2009-10-25 [Chel.]: It's a little late... :P

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: by himself?

2009-10-25 [Chel.]: Pnel-- You mean Emireth?

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: yeah.

2009-10-25 [XxTsomexX]: yup, I guess so since Todd was supposed to go with him.
Ugh... it's still hard to keep up... *sigh*

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: I didn't realize Emireth and Todd were together XD

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: Emireth stumbled through the bushes, almost running into the dinocorpse with a look of disgust before huffing in front of the other two. "Sorry, Todd's... hard to keep up with." He said while catching his breath.

Tsome that seems like a good enough post for him.

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: we assumed Emireth and Todd were going together, as Solomon told them both to go find water and usually people stay together.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: Alright, so that little post I made explains that Emireth couldn't keep up with him? I think it would work to keep her character in nicely.

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: Or perhaps he can descend ninja-like from the trees, what with being a black belt and all.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: oh yeah!! That would be sexy

2009-10-25 [XxTsomexX]: That'll work... sorry guys I've had a lot of crap going on lately...

2009-10-25 [XxTsomexX]: yay for tweaking.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: you should edit it, so he dropps from the trees ninja style

2009-10-25 [XxTsomexX]: there ya go.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: yeah, that's more in character ^^

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: Solomon was talking to Emireth, actually, sorry for the confusion!

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: ...XD

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'm just trying to take advantage of Tsome being online for so long! XD

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: I moved her and mines post around, to make more sense.

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: Yes, Solomon, this is the perfect time to offend everyone.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: Well, Todd has the spirit of an Oa within him, and they are bloodthirsty. He's worried he will lose control.

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: How did he survive by himself in the forest without ever killing, dressing, and cooking an animal? Is he a vegetarian or something?

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: Its not that he didn't, he doesn't want to freak out his new companions.

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: well, don't tell me that, tell Solomon XD

2009-10-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: I wanna give Chel the chance to post.

2009-10-25 [Aeolynn]: yeah

2009-10-26 [XxTsomexX]: ^^ sorry lol

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: Go ahead!

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: Emireth should be helping Solomon break the leg off.

2009-10-26 [XxTsomexX]: "Count on a kraut to get squeamish about the body he didn't think twice about killing," he muttered. With their combined strength, the bone popped out of the socket. "There we go!" Solomon said, grinning.

The job is done?

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: I s'pose. Sorry for powerplaying that bit.

2009-10-26 [XxTsomexX]: it's okay ^^

2009-10-26 [Aeolynn]: Where did tsome go?

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: Sorry...she logged out :(

2009-10-26 [Aeolynn]: Pooey.

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: When did this turn into fantasy? O.o'

2009-10-26 [Aeolynn]: It has always been. Read Todd's intro thing and his skills

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE.

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: you're a science fiction chick in a prehistoric fantasy world, Chel. XD

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: Completely realistic.

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: oh yeah. totally.

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: We are of course assuming Solomon and Divya are far enough ahead to avoid being overheard.

2009-10-26 [Aeolynn]: we expecting another attack? Maybe a tiny lizard can jump out and scare Sol lol...

2009-10-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: haha, no, he's just thinking.

2009-10-26 [Aeolynn]: oh ok

2009-10-26 [XxTsomexX]: Don't worry Chel, I still love you <3 Emireth just really doesn't like Divya and the fact that now everyone keeps calling him 'ninja'. Lol

2009-10-26 [Chel.]: Mwahahaha! It's ok, Divya is a total control freak bitch. ;) I know that....I made her that way.

2009-10-28 [Ravendust]: Just fixed Aeo's bold thing with her last post :)

2009-10-28 [Aeolynn]: Oh... sorry >.> was in a hurry.

2009-10-28 [Ravendust]: It's fine, I needed something to do XD, my group hasn't had activity in a while ><;;

2009-10-29 [Ravendust]: Hmm, curious as to if anyone's gonna bring up 'time machines' since Divya's all sci-fi futuristic XD

2009-10-29 [Chel.]: Hahaha...good point. Well it's impossible since physically we can't travel the speed of light.

2009-10-29 [Ravendust]: yeah, I know XD

2009-10-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: haha, Tsome, it's like noon. being outside of the light of the fire won't hide him much XD

2009-10-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: How does Divya get across the universe to be a galaxy cop if the speed of light hasn't been circumvented?

2009-10-29 [Chel.]: Touché.....

2009-10-29 [XxTsomexX]: Crap XD lol

2009-10-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: so at what point are we converging with the other groups?

2009-10-30 [Ravendust]: Well, you guys are so much further ahead than me... ><;; my group's only got a few posts, my people just met... They're hardly on... So I dunno.

2009-10-30 [Chel.]: What about the others?

2009-10-30 [Ravendust]: There's three groups so far, yours and group three are fairly active but group three hasn't gotten too far yet, they're really just getting down to the RPing...

2009-11-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: what should we do once we're done eating?

2009-11-02 [Chel.]: Maybe....there is a thunderstorm and rolls in?

2009-11-07 [Chel.]: HELLO?!

2009-11-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: I am so ready for the merge.

2009-11-07 [Chel.]: I'm ready for SOMETHING.

2009-11-07 [Ravendust]: The merge can't exactly happen until my group picks up. We've done nothing, only just met, and things have been pretty silent for a while... I really would like to continue with things, but having put myself into a situation with two members that aren't on frequently due to busy lives... I'm stuck waiting.

2009-11-08 [Chel.]: I TOOK INITIATIVE DAMMIT.

2009-11-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: thanks, chel! <3

2009-11-08 [Chel.]: "They were generally useless" OUCH!

2009-11-09 [Pnelma Tirian]: maybe we could find a cave and run into one of the other groups, as they are both serendipitously in caves and/or cavelike structures, as far as I understand it.

2009-11-09 [Chel.]: YES.

2009-11-09 [Ravendust]: that would probably allow you to meet up with group 3.

2009-11-09 [Pnelma Tirian]: can we do it? can we can we boss?! :D

2009-11-09 [Ravendust]: lol, get the consent from group 3 and you can :)

That'll just leave my group... :-[

2009-11-09 [Chel.]: Well if they dont commit- I say you just jump in ours.

2009-11-09 [Ravendust]: hmm, that would be nice, maybe I'd get RP action then, I'm about to put Jeff and Rebecca into hiatus until they can get steady net access again ><;;

2009-11-09 [Chel.]: Just toss the slow people into their own little hub. That way they can all be slow together. ;) Problem solved.

2009-11-09 [Chel.]: <img300*0:stuff/aj/20695/1257740143.png>

2009-11-09 [Aeolynn]: o.o!!! I saw that on your page, she looks great! :3

2009-11-09 [Chel.]: Hehe- thanks. ^^'

2009-11-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: c'mon, guys, keep it aliiive!

2009-11-16 [Chel.]: Well Aeo hasn't been on all weekend....
I assume she was doing birthday things?

2009-11-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: prolly?

I just really want this rp to get past the first act. So few rps even get THAT far. group 3 hasn't moved, either.

2009-11-16 [Chel.]: I think slacking players should just be dropped and the serious ones thrown into one group. Though...heh...that's just me.

2009-11-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: you've always been pretty cutthroat. XD

2009-11-16 [Chel.]: <3 But that's what you love about me, right?

2009-11-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: one of the many, many things I love about you, chel. <3

2009-11-16 [Chel.]: Eeee!! I'm blushing...I miss flirting with you. :]

2009-11-16 [XxTsomexX]: ~<3 I love you guys!! haha you make me laugh :3

2009-11-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: XD ...did she break her helmet?

2009-11-16 [Aeolynn]: Yes, sorry I've been gone... bday stuff and working on commissions...

I'm going to LA for thanksgiving with my bf! *squee*

2009-11-16 [Chel.]: Nah- it's prolly just scratched up.

2009-11-17 [Chel.]: It would be nice if this wound was illustrated. I'm not sure I'm picturing it right. It's like...the cross was laying on his chest when he was stepped on. His bones gave way and the cross broke the skin and was jammed into his flesh. ...Right? Or did the skin not break?

OR did it stab in like a knife and is wedged?

2009-11-17 [Aeolynn]: so when she pulls it out his stone is gonna come too?

2009-11-17 [Pnelma Tirian]: well, he was stabbed, and the crucifix got caught on the tooth, so it's wedged.

2009-11-17 [Aeolynn]: wait, she's gonna take out the bloodstone, correct?

2009-11-18 [Pnelma Tirian]: I guess?

2009-11-18 [Chel.]: Mmm....puss...

2009-11-18 [Chel.]: freaking the hell out.

2009-11-18 [Pnelma Tirian]: Jesus. Emireth is like a rock. What does it take to shake this guy for more of a response than a calm comment and a sigh?

2009-11-19 [XxTsomexX]: hahaha I don't even know yet... :) lol he's very calm... its creepy...

2009-11-19 [Pnelma Tirian]: it's worrisome. Is he on drugs or something? Does he take like a bucketful of valium every morning so that he only ever feels mildly annoyed at any given time? Unless you wrote him to be a complete sociopath who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. If that's what you're going for, you're certainly getting it.

2009-11-19 [Chel.]: To translate: Maybe beef up your posts a little more. No offense but his reaction to everything that just happened is... unrealistic. >_>'

2009-11-19 [XxTsomexX]: ... okay...?

2009-11-19 [Chel.]: It's just that all of that happened and he doesn't even seem to react or comment on it.

But a bigger note: Isn't he a healer?!

2009-11-19 [XxTsomexX]: I was going to, but you used the 'cocaine goop' before I could jump in and do it. And what you guys have to realise is the only reason he isn't freaking out is because 1)He can't stand the sight of blood, as I have mentioned in a previous post, so he is seperating himself from the situation, trying to keep his head because he knows freaking out won't do shit, and 2) he's going through a culture shock, so he is really just keeping to himself, trying to figure things out. He is not a 'sociopath' or anything, and I actually really don't appreciate you guys complaining about how I am playing my character.

2009-11-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: I don't mean to offend. I just found all his snide comments wierd, that's all.

2009-11-20 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry, but that's just how he is :(. He's very complicated... and I explained why he is acting as such, so is everything okay now?

2009-11-20 [Ravendust]: wow, lots of crazy shit o.O cocaine goop? That made me giggle...

2009-11-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: No, we'd still like you to beef up your posts a whole lot more. 'Complicated' is acceptable, and certainly fun in YOUR head, but why not put it on the page so it's fun in OUR heads, too? Then we won't assume he's a sociopathic jackass.

2009-11-20 [XxTsomexX]: Its kind of hard to beef up a post when no one is talking to him. I usually only post to make sure I don't get left out, but at this point its hard for even me to come on.

2009-11-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: That's the thing, though, if Divya isn't talking to Emireth she's referencing him all the time.

2009-11-20 [Aeolynn]: Even if your character isn't being talked to, get him into the action. If need be add some sentences in between some of our posts so as not to make him appear invisible. He could have helped Todd hold down Sol, or ran forward to catch him when he fell, or attempted to calm down both parties when they had that argument.

2009-11-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: hell, you can respond to Divya's reply NOW. Emireth doesn't know that Todd said something quietly, he can just spark a conversation with Divya.

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: Ugh. I can't make time for this anymore... I'm probably just gonna drop out.... I need to really concentrate on school right now, and not worry myself over all of this stuff.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: What do you do on elftown all day? I swear you're on whenever I am.

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: I'm not always on... I turn it on then log in, but most of the time I'm checking it in between writing for sociology and stuff.

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: Final answer? Cause I can kill him with a dino or something?

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: Yup.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: what are those flying types? can we kill em with one of those?

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: You know? Its your choices... just make it colorful :)

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: Pterodactyl?

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: snatched off the ledge or something? dropped on the cliffs to splat? jk lol carried off to be eaten

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: ANything you wish, he's in your hands now :3 as long as it is detailed and awesome, it's all good.

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: Or he could kill himself?

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: OOOOooooo I like that option, you don't see people kill themselves very often in rps

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: Can he heal Solomon a bit more before he does it? XD

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: she just logged...

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: or are we allowed to control the ninja now?

2009-11-21 [Piercedskull]: This is actually Tsome lol
Yes you can control him :) I don't mind. Ligit. Uhh... if you want him to heal Solomon first, thats all up to you.

Hmm.... kill himself?? The only reason he probably would is because Divya is driving him insane (No offence Chel <3)

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: Haha yeah that was me.

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: ... best death ever!! Thanks guys ^^

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: I do try. :D Thanks for playing, Tsome.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: haha man Div's such a hypocrite. I'm starting to think she needs some angry gang rape sex to cool her nerves XD

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: wooooooooow, aeo. that was phenomenally mysoginistic. XD

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: Chel's char is distrusting of women? huh? mysoginistic? I'm confused

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: Isnt she great? XD

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: No, shit, sorry chel. Chel's character's a feminist. YOUR comment was misogynistic, though, Aeo, 'Hating women in particular' as my little WordWeb dictionary defines it.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: I'm just shaking my head at what how huge of a hypocrite she is.

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: Technically speaking, her hand should have just passed through him like a ghost...

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: oh.. ok


2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: His stone. Considering he was watching her do it and was already prepared for it.

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: Easily the shortest post for Solomon in the entire game.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: Wouldn't her not being able to hit him make her slightly confused? And... I don't think she would think to try to distract him when she does not know about the stone or his stones power

2009-11-21 [Chel.]: happy? XD

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: Yes, thank you.

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: Oh god... this better not fall back on Todd.

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: what do you mean?

2009-11-21 [Aeolynn]: I thought Divya was totally gonna blame everything on Todd or soemthing

2009-11-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: I don't think she will.

2009-11-21 [XxTsomexX]: Omg I so have to keep reading this XD lmao I love the detail but I feel kinda bad for Divya :( aww

2009-11-21 [Ravendust]: damn, wasn't expecting another character death already T_T

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: I'm thinking about having my character pop up in here XD, I've already taken care of poofing her from where she was, so she'll more than likely pop up somewhere near Todd, who is outside and will actually be able to hear her when she starts calling out XD

2009-11-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: sounds fine. come join the party! XD

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: :) I sure as hell plan on it. It's about time I get some RP action under my belt again...

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: hell, maybe I'll do my intro post into the page now and just wait for Aeo to get back on again... I know she's busy this week :-[

2009-11-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: mmmmmmmm, character exposition.

2009-11-22 [Chel.]: THEY ARE BOTH SO DEPRESSED.

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: OMG guys, my 21st just passed and I'm drunk on 100 proof vodka- do you know how hard it was to type that sentence?>

2009-11-22 [Chel.]: *snicker* Gonna regret this later? :P

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: naaaaah

2009-11-22 [Chel.]: Nothin' I'de rather do on my 21st then get hammered and text roleplay.

2009-11-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: lmao, congrats, Raven :D

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: haha,thanks, I'm trying to keep my spelling decent.

2009-11-22 [Chel.]: How cute would it be if Todd came up and cuddled them too? XD

2009-11-22 [Ravendust]: XD, it'd definitely be interesting...

2009-11-24 [Chel.]: Todd didn't even care that Divya was moved in on? Jeez.. Now that there is a NEW piece of ass on the playing field.

2009-11-24 [Aeolynn]: ... he saw them both sleeping? Jeez lol I'm doing as best as I can with posts right now, gimme a break chellie

2009-11-24 [Aeolynn]: I AM working on a ten min speech i have to do tomorrow =P

2009-11-24 [Chel.]: Chellie....? I wasn't called that since middle school. Before the whole 'fire crotch' thing.

2009-11-24 [Aeolynn]: Yes that's what I call you when I'm getting you in trouble! Buahaha

2009-11-24 [Chel.]: O_O

2009-11-24 [Aeolynn]: I really really need to get this speech done, so I'm finished posting for tonight

2009-11-24 [Ravendust]: hehe XD, I'm just glad to have some active Rping time in my own RP XD

2009-11-25 [Aeolynn]: completely appalled and disgusted lmao...

2009-12-01 [Chel.]: Ah crap! I forgot about her title! Ugh.... oh well. Maybe it was due to recent drama events? Yea...let's go with that.

2009-12-01 [Pnelma Tirian]: woah, when did Todd move over to the entrance? o.o?

2009-12-01 [Aeolynn]: He's ninja like that. >.>

2009-12-01 [Ravendust]: lol, I'll wait for Chel to post before I do, no idea what I want to write anyway...

2009-12-02 [Ravendust]: an allowance for group 3 to come in :)

2009-12-02 [Ravendust]: Group 6.0 in case it wasn't noticed ;)

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